
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Black women face a 40% increased risk of mortality from breast cancer despite having a 4% lower incidence rate of breast cancer compared to white women. Some types of cancer, such as triple-negative breast cancer — an aggressive form of the disease — is  more prevalent among Black women and tends to be harder to treat. This can contribute to poorer outcomes compared to other racial and ethnic groups.

Good News

Songstress Ciara has joined a campaign launched to spread awareness about cervical cancer’s disproportionate impact on Black women.

According to the Washington Post, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first alternative to the Pap test as a primary screening method for cervical cancer, in the face of opposition from some women’s groups and health organizations. The new test, developed by Roche, detects the DNA of the human papilloma virus, which […]