
A former plantation owned by the Varner-Hogg family in Texas removed books on slavery after Michelle Haas emailed about them.

White students told on their teacher after being taught "Between the World and Me."

Ta-Nehisi Coates attended a South Carolina school board meeting about ending an AP lesson on his own bestseller, 'Between the World and Me.'

Following a longstanding lawsuit that saw Toni Morrison's historic book 'The Bluest Eye' taken off shelves at libraries throughout the Missouri School District, a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union has now resulted in the book being returned to its rightful place. 

Race Matters

A CBS-YouGov poll shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans surveyed reject the idea of banning books about history or race and believe students.


A Texas mother wants to ban Michelle Obama: Political Icon, a biography of the former first lady written by Heather E. Schwartz, according to a list of 50 books Texas parents want banned from school libraries.