
In 1980, Franklin was convicted of murdering Joseph Hollis in a Brewerytown poolroom when he was 33 years old.

The latest installment in NewsOne's special series on Black child suicide considers the impact on our boys and how to help them.

Donald Trump Jr. claimed during a podcast appearance that African American men regularly walk up to him and say he's their "hero."

A new campaign features heartfelt expressions of support to survivors of sexual violence.


Martin Luther King's youngest son was just 62.

It can seem nearly impossible to find the right gift for Black men in our lives.


Participating in prison education decreases the chances of recidivism by 6.7 percentage points – from 46% to 39.3%.


Young Black men represented 93.9% of firearm-related homicide victims in Chicago and 79.3% of gun homicides in Philadelphia.

It costs more money to live on your own than it does to share your space with a partner. This is known as the “singles tax.” 


Healing from racial trauma can help reduce the negative impacts of racism and provide the emotional resources to challenge injustices.

Truckers were racially profiled in South Dakota.

Video footage from a South Dakota Denny's shows two Black men having cops called on them after a white waitress refused to serve them and kicked out of the restaurant: “They’re serving everybody else.”