
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

The new film comes ahead of the 20th anniversary of Lee's bold stance as the lone vote in the House of Representatives against a blank check authorizing the war in Afghanistan.

The Color Purple was written by a Black queer woman and the main character is a Black queer woman. Oluwaseyi Omooba has some explaining to do.


Author Brooke Obie attended the Peace Ball to reaffirm that people of color can survive in the undaunting age of Trump because, well, we've done it before.


The death of legendary civil rights leader Julian Bond on August 15th left a community bereft, yet grateful for a life well-lived and legacy that will inspire and inform generations of activists to come. RELATED:  “NewsOne Now” Honors The Life & Legacy Of Civil Rights Icon Julian Bond Julian Bond: Legendary Civil Rights Leader Passes Away At 75 […]


Updated Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 9:48 p.m. Tuesday afternoon hundreds of protesters shut down the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City for a period, according to  They had marched from Union Square in lower Manhattan, down to City Hall and New York Police Department headquarters before heading over the iconic bridge connecting the […]

UPDATE 05-31-13, 11:54 P.M. EST: Despite protests, petitions and open letters by supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), Alicia Keys is moving forward with her performance in Israel. Speaking to the New York Times, the 33-year-old singer said, “I look forward to my first visit to Israel. Music is a universal language that […]

Alice Walker (pictured), one of the most-prolific writers of our time, is refusing to authorize a Hebrew translation of her 1983 Pulitzer prize-winning work “The Color Purple,” citing what she has often referred to as an “apartheid state,” reports The Jerusalem Post. SEE ALSO: Year’s Best Movies Walker, who has been an activist all of […]