
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Right-wing mouthpieces took to social media calling Gay a diversity hire and using the moment to bash affirmative action.


The footage draws attention to the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action.

The new anti-affirmative action lawsuit aiming to strike down race-conscious admissions at West Point farcically claims racism in the military has been “virtually nonexistent post-Vietnam.”


It’s not surprising, then, to hear some Asian Americans celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision as striking down discrimination against them.

With Harvard's legacy admissions being investigated by the U.S. Department of Education, here's how PWI family ties differ from HBCUs'.

Lest we forget he also sabotaged justice for Breonna Taylor.


Legacy admissions are based on parental connections to a given school, but support for the policy actually has something to do with race, research shows.


The Supreme Court's affirmative action decision willfully ignored this country's persistent vestiges of racial discrimination and inequality, New York Congressman Gregory Meeks writes in this op-ed.

The Supreme Court made a major ruling on affirmative action in colleges and universities, here to break it down to break down the court ruling is Judge Melodee Armstrong


With the implosion of affirmative action, it is paramount that we must strengthen, fortify and increase HBCUs, Phyllis Hill of Faith In Action writes.