
Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

Calls have grown louder for Joe Biden to make sure he selects a Black as his vice-presidential running mate, something he has repeatedly failed to commit to.

Folks in his corner, like Rep. Jim Clyburn, aren't pushing for a Black woman.

Democrats endorsing Joe Biden in spite of the sexual assault allegations he's facing must reconcile with the Party's prior zero-tolerance for Republican candidates accused of the same or worse.

The only thing we know for sure about Joe Biden's prospects for potential vice presidential running mates is that he has vowed whoever he selects will be a woman.

The inevitable has happened: Barack Obama finally and formally endorsed Joe Biden's candidacy for president. But will it be enough?

More than a month after Elizabeth Warren suspended her campaign for president, the U.S. senator from Massachusetts finally announced her endorsement of Joe Biden's candidacy. 

Bernie Sanders's former press secretary Briahna Joy Gray's refusal to endorse Joe Biden comes with some conditions that could get her to change her mind. Maybe.

After Bernie Sanders has repeatedly said he had no plans to drop out, a new report said his top aides, allies and surrogates have been encouraging him to withdraw from the race for the Democratic nomination for president.

Young Black voters are expected to play a major role in the 2020 election. But can Joe Biden win their support away from Bernie Sanders? The answer is both complicated and simple.

The "narrow path" that Bernie Sanders sees for him to win the Democratic nomination could come at a cost for the entire party when it's time to face off against Donald Trump on Election Day.