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What must we do to prepare our children for the job marketplace? David C. Banks of The Eagle Academy Foundation believes it all starts through activating possibilities for our youth. “Ultimately you have to help young people to have the light go on inside of them and in order to do that, that takes exposure. You […]

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What will it take to address the gap between Black and White fourth graders in America who can read at their grade level? Dr. Valerie Rawlston Wilson of the Economic Policy Institute and Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League, sat down with Shannon LaNier of Arise TV to discuss findings from the National […]


Since the March 19 unveiling of the National Urban League’s 2015 The State of Black America (SOBA) report, NewsOne has been covering the findings through articles and infographics created in partnership with the civil rights organization.  Now, through the end of March, we’ll be running a 7-part video series of conversations around the report. Those weighing in […]