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Ben Carson book signing at Barnes & Noble

Source: Johnny Louis/ / WENN

Ben Carson continues to parade around with his MAGA family and the internet is, once again, partly disturbed and partly amused.

The Trump-approved Secretary of Housing and Urban Development was in Iowa recently to campaign for Trump in a key state for the 2020 presidential election. According to We Are Iowa, the Iowa caucuses were underway on Monday night and Trump had a lot of support throughout the day.

“Iowa has so many pleasant memories,” Carson said. “The people … they’re very special here in Iowa. People seem to be much more in tune with what’s going on in the country.”

On helping Trump get reelected, Carson said, “I think it’s very important that the GOP recognize that this is more than just a simple election. We’re talking about ‘Do we want to continue the lifestyle that has characterized American greatness over the centuries, or do we want to switch to another system?’”

Carson and other Trump supporters were certainly present during the caucus, considering a picture with Carson has since gone viral. It shows him on a plane full of mostly White Trump supporters wearing a hat that reads, “Keep Iowa Great.”

If the picture wasn’t disturbing enough, Carson appears to be without a seat on the plane and he literally has to lean against someone else sitting down to be included in the photo. It’s almost as if he’s fighting for a seat at the table that no white person is willing to give up.


The photo started making its way around Twitter the same day as Rosa Parks‘ birthday and folks couldn’t help but recognize the irony. The Civil Rights icon, who died in 2005, would have been 107 years old on Tuesday. She is recognized as sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott for refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in 1955. Parks’ commitment to social justice in that moment and the years that followed would lead many to label her the Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.

“I’m just sad that on Rosa Parks’ birthday, neurosurgeon Ben Carson gives up his seat to a bunch of white Trump supporters in Keep Iowa Great MAGA hats,” tweeted doctor Eugene Gu.


“Ben Carson not having a seat in a photo full of white supremacists seems on brand,” tweeted writer Frederick Joseph.


As history passes, this photo will surely be filed in the sunken place archives. For more funny and outraged commentary on Carson’s MAGA allegiance, check out some of the best tweets below.









