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NFL Draft

Source: Joe Robbins / Getty

The same pro football team that had a problem with Colin Kaepernick for kneeling in silence to protest the lack of social justice for Black people in America eagerly selected a player with a history of racist social media activity during the NFL Draft Tuesday night. The San Francisco 49ers were coming under heavy fire for making Nick Bosa the second overall pick despite his apparent open embrace of all-things MAGA.

The development was a very bad look for the 49ers and the NFL, which have both denied blacklisting Kaepernick despite the one-time Super Bowl quarterback’s undeniable ability on the gridiron. Adding insult to injury, aside from his since-deleted racist tweets, Bosa, who is white, once called Kaepernick a “clown.”

READ MORE: Twitter Reacts To Racist Tweets From Black NFL Player’s White Fiancee

As if that wasn’t enough, Bosa has said he’s a “big fan” of Donald Trump and he follows white nationalists on Instagram and has been liking their posts recently. He also posted that he didn’t like Beyonce’s “trash” music in part because she dressed as Black Panther and protested against police brutality during her Super Bowl halftime show.

Sound familiar?

It was apparently only after he realized that the 49ers could draft him that Bosa scrambled to scrub his Twitter account.

Ohio State defensive end Nick Bosa says he deleted his tweets about President Donald Trump, Colin Kaepernick, Beyonce, Black Panther and other topics because he might get drafted by the San Francisco 49ers,” SF Gate wrote earlier this month.

USA Today reminded readers on Thursday that “in recent days, Bosa’s Instagram history has been placed under the microscope, and the Twitter account, @RzstProgramming, uncovered that Bosa liked multiple Instagram posts that featured the N-word and a homophobic slur.”

Bosa also reportedly follows Tomi Lahren, the apparent white supremacist who once falsely declared that “my ancestors did discover America.”

Despite all of that, ESPN insisted on referring to Bosa as “the NFL’s best draft prospect” and downplaying his racist social media activity. It also didn’t give the 49ers any pause in the least from selecting him with the coveted overall second pick that will result in Bosa signing a contract worth more than $33 million, according to estimated by Forbes.

If social media users were any indication of what Bosa can expect in the locker room from his new teammates in a league that is about 70 percent Black, he’s in for a long rookie season. Scroll down to see reactions on Twitter to Bosa being drafted by the 49ers.









