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The brutal violence inspired by racist hatred that was widely expected to take place at this weekend’s so-called “Million MAGA March” went on as scheduled as scores of the president’s supporters protesting the election clashed with groups assembled in opposition.

Photos and video taken throughout the protest on Saturday in Wahington, D.C., showed the seemingly obligatory contentious moments between members of groups identified in mainstream and social media as the Proud Boys and Black Lives Matter, who could be seen in a sea of MAGA flags being waved by people who believe Donald Trump‘s fake claims of election fraud that he attributes to Joe Biden beating him.

Things really got violent as the day turned into evening, according to the Washington Post.

“When darkness fell, the counterprotesters triggered more mayhem as they harassed Trump’s advocates, stealing red hats and flags and lighting them on fire,” the Post reported. “Scuffles continued into the night as the provocateurs overturned the tables of vendors who had been selling pro-Trump gear and set off dozens of fireworks, prompting police to pepper-spray them.”

Getty Images took multiple photos identifying members of the Proud Boys readily participating in the violence as the far-right group apparently took literally Trump’s infamous orders he gave them at the first debate. The president pretended he was unfamiliar with the proud Bouys before he told them to “stand by.”

There was a growing narrative on social media being fueled by far-right provocateurs that placed blame on the Black Lives Matter protesters. However, there was neither any evidence of that nor was there any definitive proof that Black Lives Matter activists were even present in the first place.

The Post reported: “The Proud Boys marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, leading hundreds in chants of ‘F— antifa!’ and shouting down stray opponents who yelled ‘Black lives matter!'”

The election violence people feared before the election hadn’t really happened until Saturday, exactly one week after Biden was officially projected to win the 2020 presidential election. Trump has maintained without proof that he is the victim of election fraud and has launched multiplied lawsuits against states and refused to concede the race, even as elections officials across the country have said there were no voting irregularities.

Trump’s adamant refusal to recognize Biden as the lectin’s true winner has only further emboldened his supporters to not only march on his behalf but also willing to take part in violence in the president’s name. Scroll down to see more evidence of that unfortunate fact as the calendar year that is 2020 manages to keep outdoing itself.



A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump... Source:Getty

A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump demonstrators in Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House. 



Anti-Trump demonstrators march to Black Lives Matter plaza... Source:Getty

Anti-Trump demonstrators march to Black Lives Matter plaza while joining a counter-protest against “Million MAGA March” in Washington, D.C.



An anti-Trump demonstrator has her eyes rinsed after police... Source:Getty

 An anti-Trump demonstrator has her eyes rinsed after police used tear gas to push a crowd back near a local hotel in the area of Black Lives Matter Plaza.



A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump... Source:Getty

A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump demonstrators in Black Lives Matter Plaza near the White House.



Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of Antifa and Proud Boys clash in the middle of the street following the “Million MAGA March.”



Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of the Proud Boys clash with Black Lives Matter protesters during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.



Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of Antifa and Proud Boys clash in the middle of the street following the “Million MAGA March.”



A supporter of Donald Trump is injured by anti-Trump... Source:Getty

A supporter of Donald Trump is injured by anti-Trump demonstrators near Black Lives Matter Plaza.



A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump... Source:Getty

A supporter of Donald Trump is attacked by anti-Trump demonstrators near Black Lives Matter Plaza.



Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of Antifa and Proud Boys clash in the middle of the street following the “Million MAGA March.”



Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of Antifa and Proud Boys clash in the middle of the street following the “Million MAGA March.”


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of Antifa and Proud Boys clash in the middle of the street following the “Million MAGA March.”


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of the Proud Boys clash with Black Lives Matter protesters during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

A police officer tries to break up a fight between Black Lives Matter protesters and members of the Proud Boys during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

A police officer tries to break up a fight between alleged Black Lives Matter protesters and members of the Proud Boys during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Members of the Proud Boys clash with alleged Black Lives Matter protesters during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

A street vendor picks up merchandise after her cart was knocked over during a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


Pro-Trump Right Wing Groups Hold "Million MAGA March" To Protest Election Results Source:Getty

Police officers on bicycles monitor a protest following the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court.


'Million MAGA March' for Trump in Washington DC Source:Getty

Pro-Trump protesters gathered during the “Million MAGA March” from Freedom Plaza to the US Capitol.