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UPDATED: 6:22 p.m. EDT, JAN 11 —

Bakari Sellers joined the conversation regarding Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s volunteer campaign efforts, calling her “Freedom Winter” canvass event in Iowa “appropriation.” “I honestly can’t even believe the Warren campaign would think this is a good idea,” Sellers tweeted. “Ppl were arrested and beaten. Goodman Schwerner and Cheney died during Freedom Summer. Stop this appropriation BS. Black folk who signed off, should be ashamed too.”

He later received a response from a woman named Shelley A. Davis, who stated that the volunteer group linked to Warren’s campaign is “led by Black, Latinx, AAPI and people of color.” She wrote, “We wanted to create a safe space for people to talk about our choice for president. Any and everyone is welcome here.”

Davis released an additional statement. “We need a prez who will invest in our communities, expand opportunity, & protect our access to democracy. Someone who will ask us to hold her accountable each day. We started POC United with Warren because we know Elizabeth will put power where it belongs:in the hands of the ppl,” she said.

Original story:

Black folks on Twitter are pretty irritated with Sen. Elizabeth Warren right now after a tone-deaf flyer for the Democratic presidential candidate’s volunteer training event in Chicago surfaced the internet. The flyer, which has a headline that reads: “CHICAGO POC,” invites folks to unite with Warren for a volunteer training event to learn about opportunities to become involved with the senator’s presidential campaign. The flyer also features a cringeworthy catchphrase: “By People of Color, For People of Color.”

MORE: Why Angela Rye’s Question To Elizabeth Warren About Her Hypothetical Cabinet Deserved A Better Answer

Elizabeth Warren Flyer

Source: Twitter

A description of the event has also been provided, which infuriated folks even more. “During this training, you will: – Meet people of color Warren supporters -Learn more about Warren’s plans and how to use campaign tools from campaign staff -Practice canvassing and sharing your story -Hear from community organizers about how to engage more people of color in the campaign,” the flyer said. The event is posted on Warren’s website as well.

Elizabeth Warren Flyer

Source: Twitter

Oh, and breakfast and lunch will be served to people of color and allies, who are “welcome” to attend the event.

To say the flyer is being torn to shreds would be a mere understatement, but rightfully so.

Some are even questioning the sincerity behind Warren’s relationships with Black folks, particularly Black women. “First, there is no way in hell any Black or other POC had anything to do with these Jim Crowe like flyers. So you’re rounding us up like we’re human cattle again? If Warren ever had REAL relationships with Black women, this wouldn’t have ever been printed. Highly offensive,” said one Twitter user.

She continued, “This is the most white flour dough, pink pasty puff, snow sprinkled, Mayonnaise crusted, lobster flesh, two step dancing, hair swinging, honkey tonk singing, banjo stringing, alabaster, cloud mirroring, faux lace, chantilly silly (emoji used in place of an expletive), a tone deaf WP could ever do in 2020.”

Someone else echoed this user’s sentiments that the flyer reeked of Jim Crowe. “EXACTLY! I posted a similar comment earlier today. Said it reminds me of back when White people had to let Black people know they were welcome somewhere. Back in the ’60’s,” they said.

Others are saying that Warren should know better than to produce such an off-putting and offensive flyer, with someone saying, “These are offensive and Liz Warren should know better. This means she has NO pic on her staff to let her know how offensive this is. These flyers make us sound like we are strange, weird beings!”

Warren appears to be steadfast in her efforts to gain more Black votes seeing how her opponents, Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, have surpassed her numbers placing her in third place among Black voters, according to national Washington Post-Ipsos poll.

But, this isn’t it.

Check out more reactions to the flyer below.


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