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Keri Hilson has some theories on the coronavirus that aren’t being well received by social media.

According to the singer, the outbreak of the virus is related to the development of the 5G cellular network in China.

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“5G was invented in…you guessed it—CHINA,” she began in an Instagram post. “It launched Nov 1, 2019 in 50 Chinese cities with btwn 86,000-130,000 5G base stations by the end of 2019. The 3 largest network operators worked together in a race to be FIRST…only 5 months after retrieving 5G licenses. Those vids we saw of people in China literally dropping dead out of nowhere?? Eerily close to the Nov launch.”

According to Live Science, the earliest case of a human contracting the coronavirus was dated back to November 17, 2019 in the Hubei province of China. At first, authorities believed the virus spread from something sold at a wet market, such as seafood. However, scientists now think the coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, originated in a bat that eventually passed it on to another animal, possibly the pangolin, which eventually passed it to humans. Wuhan is the capital of the Hubei province in China and this is where the coronavirus began rapidly spreading.

Despite the first case of the coronavirus being dated to November, talk about its coincidence with the launch of 5G is limited. However, Hilson continued in her Instagram post:

“In a 2019 Netflix Documentary, Bill Gates himself warned of a global health pandemic that would originate in China. Researchers & organizations have done studies, made petitions, and issued warnings of the dangers of 5G over the past few years. A quick search will produce them. Residents of Australia have filed assault charges against phone companies—and WON. Lastly, while we were wondering if the virus was resistant to melanin as Africa went untouched for quite a while, could it have been because Africa is not a 5G region (on the whole)?”

It’s true the coronavirus originated in China and in November, China launched one of the world’s largest 5G networks, according to BBC. It’s also true that Africa doesn’t have nearly as many cases of the coronavirus as China, Italy, Iran or even the U.S.

It’s also true that certain sources have warned against health issues related to the 5G network. According to Scientific American, the wireless radiation known as 5G “will employ millimeter waves for the first time in addition to microwaves that have been in use for older cellular technologies, 2G through 4G. Given limited reach, 5G will require cell antennas every 100 to 200 meters, exposing many people to millimeter wave radiation.”

Scientific American continued, “Millimeter waves are mostly absorbed within a few millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Short-term exposure can have adverse physiological effects in the peripheral nervous system, the immune system and the cardiovascular system. The research suggests that long-term exposure may pose health risks to the skin (e.g., melanoma), the eyes (e.g., ocular melanoma) and the testes (e.g., sterility).”

From a Keri Hilson perspective, one might argue that 5G networks could be affecting or even weakening the immune system, making room for viruses like the coronavirus. However, this still doesn’t adequately speak to how the virus was formed in the first place.

Even Scientific American explained, “Since 5G is a new technology, there is no research on health effects, so we are ‘flying blind’ to quote a U.S. senator.”

According to Wired, there are politicians across the country who are fighting to have more studies done on the effects of 5G. Cities like Portland Oregon, passed a resolution requesting the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) update its research into potential health risks of 5G. A few Bay Area towns, like Mill Valley and Sebastopol, even want to block carriers from developing 5G infrastructure.

However, Wired explains, “Few 5G services will use higher frequencies in the near term, and there’s little reason to think these frequencies are any more harmful than other types of electromagnetic radiation such as visible light.”

As for concerns surrounding the millimeter waves, Wired explained that carriers like T-Mobile and Sprint have been using alternatives to millimeter waves for their 5-G network such as “a band of low frequencies originally used for broadcast television.”

Wired also explains:

“Even when carriers roll out more millimeter-wave coverage, you still won’t need to worry much. Radio waves, visible light, and ultraviolet light are all part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The higher-frequency parts of the spectrum, including x-rays and gamma rays, are what’s known as ‘ionizing radiation.’ This is the scary kind of radiation. It can break molecular bonds and cause cancer. Millimeter waves and other radio waves, along with visible light, are considered non-ionizing, meaning they don’t break molecular bonds. They are higher frequency than traditional broadcast frequencies, but they’re still below the frequency of visible light and far below ionizing radiation such as shortwave ultraviolet light, x-rays, and gamma rays.”

But for those like Keri Hilson who still aren’t convinced that 5G doesn’t affect health (or contraction of the coronavirus), Ms. Hilson gave some suggestions on her Instagram.

“You can protect your home & family by going to ur phone Settings to disable LTE under ‘Cellular Data Options,’ which knocks your data speed down to 3 or 4G. Top right corner will show you which network ur on. Also, turn your phone on Airplane Mode or Power them off when not in use or while you sleep. And keep them away from your bodies as much as possible during the day.”

Hilson ended with, “I’m not an expert on anything. This is a think piece.” You can check out her post and an accompanying video below.


Again, there’s still more research to be done on 5G and its health effects. However, people weren’t willing to wait for scientific study. Folks on social media immediately ridiculed Hilson for her theory linking 5G to the coronavirus. You can check out some of the tweets below.









