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Source: Bennett Raglin / Getty

CNN host Don Lemon had time on Sunday to put Donald Trump on the spot for his obsession with Barack Obama.

The digs at the current man in the White House occurred after Trump retweeted a conspiracy theory arguing that there is new evidence that Obama “was the one running the Russian hoax.”

While on air, Lemon quietly and calmly came for Trump’s entire life by asking “What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?”

He continued:

“Is it because he’s smarter than you? Better educated? Made it on his own? Didn’t need Daddy’s help? Wife is more accomplished? Better looking? I don’t know. What is it? What is it about him? That he’s a black man that’s accomplished being president? That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing? What is it about him?”

Lemon ended his series of questions with a simple “just wondering” and an eyebrow raise.

Even before his presidential run, Trump has notoriously pushed lies about former President Obama. He outspokenly enforced the “birther” conspiracy theory that Lemon referred to, where he questioned whether Obama was born in the United States for years. Trump only acknowledged that Obama was, in fact, born in the United States when he was running for president in 2016.

Meanwhile, Lemon has made it clear in the past that he has plenty of time to slam Trump. It seemed 2018 was particularly a good year when he flat-out called Trump a racist when he referred to Africa, El Salvador and Haiti as “shit hole countries.”

“The president of the United States is racist. A lot of us already knew that,” Lemon said.

“You know what you can go do?” Lemon asked before a pause.

“I can’t say that,” he continued. “But you can go read a book, a history book. Because you might learn that some of the people from those shit hole countries were slaves who were brought here by force to help build this country, and then start your learning process from there.”

Lemon even came after Trump’s supporters, saying, “What does it say about you that no matter what ― no matter what ― you continue to make excuses for this man, for his vile behavior?”

That same year, Lemon also called out Trump for insinuating homeless people with mental health issues were dangerous shooters. “I can tell you in New York, New York did a very, very bad thing when they closed our mental institutions, so many of them,” Trump said. “You have these people living on the streets. And I can say that in many cases throughout the country, they’re very dangerous. They shouldn’t be there.”

Lemon responded on CNN, telling New York Times columnist Frank Bruni, “I’m glad he [Trump] brought that up. The people living on the streets in New York City, guess what they don’t have access to?”

“Homes,” Bruni said.

“Homes and guns,” Lemon said.

It’s clear Lemon has zero time for Trump’s ignorance and Black Twitter is here for it.

Check out some of the reactions to his latest destruction of Trump’s morals below.









