Public schools in Louisiana could be required to display the Ten Commandments in every classroom if Republicans get their way.

As as much as white conservatives bemoan what they perceive as anti-white racism in America, and as much as they use that narrative to come for critical race theory, wokeness and all programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion, the fact is, white people's grievances regarding anti-white racial discrimination is never backed by up by any independent data.

Questions regarding justice for HBCU Bomb threat victims are still lingering as we head toward the end of the calendar year.

Race Matters

More than 300 state and local politicians have signed the 1776 Action pledge, which calls for a restoration of "honest, patriotic education that cultivates in our children a profound love for our country," but is really just its own form of indoctrination.  

Race Matters

The Williamson County branch of conservative parents group "Moms for Liberty" filed a complaint claimijng books on Martin Luther King Jr., Ruby Bridges and more are "Anti-American" and "Anti-White," as well as guilty of promoting a "slanted obsession with historical mistakes."

Texas Republican state Rep. Matt Krause has compiled a list of 850 books he has identified as materials that "might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex," and requested that school districts report possessing any books from the list.


The minority teacher shortage is largely a retention--not a recruitment--problem, according to research.


Dr. Samuel D. Cook, an academic trailblazer of the Civil Right era, was a president of Dillard University.

The presidential search committee selected Carmen Ambar from a pool of 150 candidates.

Hill returns to his roots to focus on how media can help solve the challenges Philadelphia faces.

A new study finds long-term academic benefits to Black students who had a Black elementary school teacher.

HBCUs are still relevant in training skilled educators at a time when teacher diversity is needed.