Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting

Adoption of kids of a different race than the adoptive parent(s) has surged.

We need more honest and dignified media content, from televisions shows to films to music and books, to counter the dangerous "absent Black father" narrative that's plagued our community.

Family & Parenting

Why a National Day Without Child Care matters.

While we often have a lot of positive things to say about mothers, the Bible also has good words on the influential role of a mother.

Family & Parenting

Divesting from child care is bad for families, bad for child care providers, bad for communities, bad for business and bad for the economy.

Foster care is supposed to be a stable and transitional environment for children in crisis, but that’s not always the reality for Black kids.

A 10-year-old black girl in Utah died by suicide after telling family members that she had been a victim of bullying at her school. Tichenor Cox and the family are taking it upon themselves to try to raise awareness about suicide amongst children and thwart bullying. 

With Father's Day falling right after the Juneteenth holiday, Black organizers share their thoughts on the intersection of liberation and fatherhood.

Parents of color have an opportunity to offer counter-stories that focus on people who look like us, as opposed to having our children forced to learn from narratives written from a European or white perspective.

Family & Parenting

Disasters – whether hurricanes, earthquakes or pandemics like the coronavirus – disrupt social and physical environments for large groups of people. These changes increase families’ vulnerabilities to domestic violence.


Few custody and child-support court orders have provisions covering how to share parenting in a pandemic like the coronavirus – although they may become common in the future.


Experts explain the differences between gender and sexual identity, while also discussing the commonalities of gender identity for children and how their parents can support them.