About Leigh Davenport


Clarence Thomas said that the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision was wrong while voting for a South Carolina voting map.

"We will move much further toward anarchy than anybody can imagine, and much more quickly," Ben Carson told Fox News about the recent uprisings on college campuses.

Computer classes at his St. Sabina Church in the city's Englewood neighborhood were disrupted Wednesday morning over a slow Internet connection that made it difficult to complete tasks.

At Tuesday's fourth GOP debate, Donald Trump and Ben Carson said the problem is that entry-level wages are too high.

David W. Harleston was suspended last week after questions arose about his qualifications to practice law in New York.

A Houston mom, arrested this summer after leaving her children at a food court to attend a job interview, told Inside Edition in a recent interview that she loves her children despite the mistake.

Fox Business Network and The Wall Street Journal will host the fourth debate live in Milwaukee with eight candidates at 9 p.m. ET.

The chancellor at the University of Missouri announced his departure Monday, just hours after the embattled president stepped down under pressure over unchecked racism and harassment of Black students on campus.

Carson's well-tended storybook persona is under fire after questions have emerged over details in his autobiography.

University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe on Sunday acknowledged problems with racism on campus after Black football players vowed to stop playing until he "resigns."

Trayvon Martin‘s family thought their son was missing.  Despite Trayvon having a cell phone on him that had his family’s phone numbers in it, the police made no effort to notify his parents that he had been brutally shot and murdered in the neighborhood complex where his father lived.  Instead he was taken by the […]