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As it turns out, Kanye West just might actually be serious about running for president. Just not as serious as the pressing need for the rapper to receive help for the troublingly manic episode he displayed during his campaign rally held in South Carolina over the weekend, according to the reactions that were still pouring in on Monday morning.

West has loudly declared his candidacy for the White House and then rescinded it, but as of Sunday afternoon, his 2020 campaign was apparently back in full swing. But, according to observers on social media, in the process of doing so, Kanye has also quietly indicated that his mental faculties were not quite where they need to be in order to run the so-called most powerful country in the world. Nevermind his allegiance to Donald Trump.

From literally shedding tears and crying while disclosing why he opposes abortion to using Harriet Tubman‘s name to again weigh in on his stance on slavery, Kanye — who had “2020” shaved in his hair — was displaying behavior that alarmed social media users (as well as those who attended his rally) and suggested he was making a return to the mental instability he displayed during his infamous MAGA meltdown in the Oval Office in 2018.

Kanye got emotional while talking about his own experience with abortion, suggesting he both was nearly a victim of it as well as once being a proponent of it.

“Even if my wife wants to divorce me after this speech she brought North into the world even when I didn’t want to,” Kanye said, referencing his first daughter. “She stood up and she protected that child. You know who else protected a child? 43 years ago, who do you think protected a child?”

With that, Kanye broke out in a fit of uncontrollable sobbing before continuing.

“My mom saved my life. My dad wanted to abort me. My mom saved my life, there would have been no Kanye West because my dad was too busy,” he added in between tears.

Then, reverting to one of his favorite themes — slaves and slavery — Kanye offered a unique take on Harriet Tubman’s life that had not been revealed until Sunday during his rally.

“Harriet Tubman never actually freed the slaves, she just had them work for other white people,” he said, apparently upsetting one person filming the rally who reacted to that unproven assertion by saying: “Yo, we leaving right now.”

One of the attendees, a young Black woman, decided to film her own testimonial about what she had just witnessed and described Kanye as being dismissive toward her while literally embracing a white woman moments earlier during a question-and-answer session toward the end. The Black woman said Kanye told her she wanted “Wakanda, not America.”

While Kanye has exhibited relatively stable behavior in recent months, some may have suspected he took a turn for the worse when he tried to revive calls for himself to be a 2020 presidential candidate. However, it wasn’t too long ago when he was displaying the same type of manic behavior in the White House that he showed off on Sunday in South Carolina.

Back in October of 2018, Kanye’s act in the Oval Office prompted similar cries for him to seek mental help. That was when he visited the president and waxed poetic on everything from the criminal justice system to his merchandising deal with Adidas to, yes, that MAGA hat he insisted on wearing. It was also where he said he had been “diagnosed with  bipolar disorder.”

The following year, he described to David Letterman what goes through his mind when he exhibits behavior like what attendees saw Sunday in South Carolina and in the Oval Office in 2018.

“I feel a heightened connection with the universe when I’m ramping up,” he told the talk show host, seemingly blaming others for his condition. “It is a health issue. This — it’s like a sprained brain, like having a sprained ankle. And if someone has a sprained ankle, you’re not going to push on him more. With us, once our brain gets to a point of spraining, people do everything to make it worse.”

Just last month, People published a report that Kanye was “struggling” with his bipolar disorder as he was announcing his candidacy for president.

And now, here we are.

This is America.

Watch Kanye’s full campaign rally below.


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