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Source: MARK RALSTON / Getty

Mike Bloomberg is pointing the finger at Bernie Sanders for the vandalism of his presidential campaign offices, despite the fact that there are many groups outside of Sanders supporters that don’t like him.

According to WVLT, his Knoxville, Tennessee, office is the latest to be vandalized on Thursday night. The front doors of the office were painted with expletives and it was plastered with posters that included the words “classist” and “oligarch.” Some posters also appeared to have snippets from news articles on Bloomberg in which he made derogatory statements about Black people and women. Beside each snippet were words like “racist,” “fascist,” and “sexist.” The offices have no security cameras and no witnesses have reported anything about the culprits.

However, for some reason, Bloomberg thinks it’s Sanders supporters.

National Bloomberg campaign manager Kevin Sheekey released a statement calling out Sanders and saying he should condemn the vandalism.

“This latest incident at our Knoxville campaign office is exactly what we’ve been warning about,” Sheekey said. “We don’t know who is responsible for this vandalism, but we do know it echoes language from the Sanders campaign and its supporters. Over the past week, we’ve seen similar attacks against Mike Bloomberg 2020 offices in multiple states.”

A Bloomberg campaign office in Youngstown, Ohio was also hit on February 14 with similar signs and the word “oligarch.” His campaign says two other offices were vandalized in Toledo, Ohio and Ann Arbor, Michigan.

“Fortunately, no one has been injured,” Sheekey continued in his statement. “But this needs to end before someone gets hurt. We call on Bernie Sanders to immediately condemn these attacks and for his campaign to end the Trump-like rhetoric that is clearly encouraging his supporters to engage in behavior that has no place in our politics.”

To back their argument, the Bloomberg campaign listed a statement Sanders made at a rally on Monday, saying, “We are a democracy, not an oligarchy. You’re not going to buy this election.” They also cited a number of similar comments made by Sanders.

Regardless of Sander’s rhetoric, the Bloomberg campaign’s accusations against him feel like a desperate move, considering Bernie is leading in various polls. It doesn’t help that Bloomberg got called out on his racist and sexist history during Wednesday night’s Democratic debates in Las Vegas. Elizabeth Warren notoriously and skillfully condemned Bloomberg on his past history against Black people and women. So it’s not just Bernie Sanders who thinks he’s a racist and a sexist.

Need we remind Bloomberg of all the racist stuff he’s said or implemented in the past?

You can check out a partial list here.


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