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R. Kelly is still trying to get out of jail and according to CNN, his lawyer filed a motion on Monday arguing for his release on bond.

The disgraced R&B singer has been held in a Chicago area jail since July on federal sex crime charges. He also faces charges in New York on kidnapping, forced labor, racketeering and sexual exploitation of a child. In August, Kelly pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

Now his attorney, Steven Greenberg, has filed a motion in US District Court arguing for Kelly’s release, and considering this is R. Kelly we’re talking about, many of the reasons aren’t that strong. Brooklyn U.S. District Judge Ann Donnelly is supposed to hear the motion on Wednesday. According to the Chicago Tribune, even if Donnelly allows Kelly’s release on bond, the singer still has a second no-bond order entered by U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber on his federal indictment in Chicago. So in general, it’s not looking good for the alleged abuser.

Regardless, check out four reasons Kelly’s attorney wants him out of jail below.

1. Greenberg says that Kelly doesn’t pose a threat to the alleged victims. 

Considering Kelly hasn’t been held accountable for nearly 30 years thanks to alleged systemic and powerful methods of manipulation, he could very well find his way back into the lives of the victims. Take into account the seriousness of the charges, and it’s doubtful that a release is a bet the judge is willing to take.

And let’s not forget, back in August, prosecutor Elizabeth Geddes already made a strong argument for Kelly to be denied bail. She cited allegations that Kelly committed obstruction crimes while out on bail during his 2002 case involving child pornography charges. She says that at the time, Kelly paid off and intimidated witnesses “such that they did not appear to testify.” Though defense attorney Doug Anton tried to back Kelly, stating these claims were simply allegations, the US District Magistrate Judge Steven Tiscione said he was “extremely troubled” by the allegations of obstruction. Brooklyn U.S. District Judge Donnelly could most likely feel the same way.

2. Greenberg’s motion complains that Kelly is only allowed one unrelated person to visit.

“His visits are severely restricted; presently, he is only allowed one unrelated person to visit. In other words, although he lives and has lived with two lady friends, only one of them is allowed to be on his visiting list, and after 90 days he is required to switch,” Greenberg explains in the motion. “No other friends or professional colleagues are allowed to visit. That is not right.”

Though an argument can be made about less strict visiting rights, releasing Kelly under this argument might not hold weight, again, considering the allegations that he’s conspired with witnesses and committed obstruction crimes.

3. Greenberg says that Kelly should be released because he isn’t a flight risk. 

Considering rumors have already been swirling that Kelly might try to flee the U.S., this argument also doesn’t hold 100 percent security for his victims or for prosecutors.

4. Greenberg wants Kelly released on health grounds. 

According to The Guardian, Greenberg says Kelly is suffering from anxiety, an untreated hernia and numbness in one of his hand. In the court filing, Greenberg says that Kelly “is not presently receiving adequate medical care.”

Now on a humane level, it makes sense that Greenberg would call out alleged inadequate medical care. But again, this is R. Kelly we’re talking about. Are the claims enough for a release? R. Kelly is known to lie or at least, put on dramatic antics in order to gain sympathy from the public. Although some people might buy into his alleged health issues, the district judge might not be convincible. Seems we’ll have to wait till Wednesday to find out.