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Donald Trump blames former President Barack Obama for everything yet takes credit for everything positive he did at the White House. Now, 45 is blaming Obama because it’s too hot in in White House.

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According to the Associated Press, Trump doesn’t want to be at the White House because of the janky air conditioning. The AP reports that Trump said, “The Obama administration worked out a brand new air conditioning system for the West Wing. It was so good before they did the system. Now that they did this system, it’s freezing or hot.”

Therefore, Trump is sweating bullets so he wills spend the entire month of August at his New Jersey resort. But 45 claims it’s “never a vacation.”

This is just one of many time Trump blamed Obama for any and everything. In a February 2017 interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump said Obama was behind the organized protests, angry crowds at GOP town hall meetings and leaks that continue to plague his presidency.

“I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump stated. “And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks – which are very serious leaks, because they’re very bad in terms of national security.”

He continued, “But I also understand that’s politics. And in terms of him being behind things, that’s politics. And it will probably continue.” The administration was trying to plug the leaks. CNN reported at the time that the president approved his press secretary Sean Spicer’s search of his staff’s cell phones for evidence of them talking or texting information to the media. While Trump casts the leaks in terms of national security, others note they also attack his ego. The Washington Post reported, “Time and again, the image of Trump pushed by his ‘aides’ is one of a clueless child — someone who acts on impulse, disregarding the better advice of people who know better. We know he needs to be managed or else he will say and do stupid things, the message seems to be.”

Clearly, this didn’t work because the leaks are still happening over two years later and Obama has nothing to do with it.


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