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The Trump administration looks up children in cages, bans Muslims and enacts racist policies but our check when they don’t get love when walking the streets — especially at restaurants. Eric Trump, Trump’s third child, learned this the hard way while in Chicago.

See Also: I Will Never Run For Public Office:’ Oprah Sets The Record Straight

Speaking to the demons at Brietbart, Eric said he was spat on by an employee at a Chicago-area restaurant, “It was purely a disgusting act by somebody who clearly has emotional problems.” He then added, “For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility. When somebody is sick enough to resort to spitting on someone, it just emphasizes a sickness and desperation and the fact that we’re winning.”

It’s not clear what the spitter’s politics were. For all we know, they could be a non-voter who just despises the Trump administration because they are logical thinkers. However, considering how this administration lies, who knows how true this is.

According to NBC, the incident took place at Aviary, which is an upscale Chicago lounge. The police were called and the Chicago Police Department wrote on Twitter, “CPD was on scene and assisting the United States Secret Service with a law enforcement matter. Any and all inquiries regarding a federal protectee must be directed to the Secret Service.”

The employee was allegedly taken into custody, according to CNN.

Trump worshipers being despised when they are out of their privileged bubble is an ongoing theme. In February, Kellyanne Conway was shedding white tears because she claims she was assaulted by an elderly woman named Mary Elizabeth Inabinett — in a Mexican restaurant.

Inabinett’s attorney denied the assault in a statement, “Ms. Inabinett saw Kellyanne Conway, a public figure, in a public place, and exercised her First Amendment right to express her personal opinions. She did not assault Ms. Conway. The facts at trial will show this to be true, and show Ms. Conway’s account to be false.”

Watch Conway describe the incident below:

Back on June 22, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wasn’t welcomed with open arms at Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia. The owner of Red Hen, Stephanie Wilkinson, said to The Washington Post at the time that some of her staff were uncomfortable, including the LGBT staffers, due to Sanders support of a ban on transgender people in the military and a gay couple being refused to have a wedding cake baked for them because of religion.

She said, “I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty and compassion and cooperation.” She also offered the other people the chance to stay, but they refused and what little they ordered, Red Hen gave to them on the house.

If you put on hate and lies, don’t be surprised if you get push back. Being that Eric Trump endorses  “alternative facts,” we’ll wait to see if he was telling the truth about the spitting incident.


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