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Boris Kodjoe is known for a lot of things: his many roles in film, his good looks and, most recently, Shonda Rhimes latest TV show, “Station 19.” However, one lesser known fact about the actor is that he is originally from Germany and moved to the U.S. when he was 18, barely able to speak English.

It was those European roots that prompted him on Monday to make some disturbing parallels that he said he sees between Nazi Germany and the Trump administration.

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While on “The Clay Cane Show” on SiriusXM Urban View, Kodjoe explained how the history of Nazis and the Holocaust was thoroughly taught in German schools.

“Collectively, the country understood its responsibility to educate and teach its children so that something like that may never reoccur… anytime there is a victimization of marginalized people, whether it’s of religion, cultural, or of social nature, it has to be fought immediately,” the 46-year-old said. “It has to be eradicated it immediately because we’ve seen what it can lead to.

When he was asked about his thoughts on people saying Donald Trump was morphing the U.S. into 1936 Nazi Germany, Kodjoe had the perfect answer.

“I think it’s a fair parallel to draw just based on the slow developments that happened right through the Weimar Republic leading up to World War II – that’s exactly what happened,” Kodjoe replied. “There was a lot of propaganda… Jews were made responsible for economic devastation, jobs, housing, disease —  so what’s going on right now, the rhetoric that’s being spread by this administration, by one person especially, around immigrants, brown people — is acutely dangerous. It’s lead to a desensitizing of our consciousness around those topics, where people five years ago would say, ‘You can’t say that.'”

Kodjoe continued: “Now his base has chosen to use the rhetoric as an outlet to get rid of that frustration and the hatred that’s been built. He has shamefully used and abused that for his own benefit. And to further marginalize immigrants, brown, Black people. It’s a very, very dangerous thing that people absolutely have to address and speak out about.

“It happens really fast and it cannot be addressed early enough, in my opinion,” he added.

Well, we detect no lies. If the current administration isn’t voted out in 2020, the country is on an even more dangerous path.

Listen to a clip from the interview below.


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