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When it comes to President Donald Trump appointing Black people within his administration, he typically finds the most unqualified buffoons possible. His latest stunt in that same vein was to nominate failed presidential candidate Herman Cain to be on the Federal Reserve Board. However, even Republicans were telling Trump that would be a mistake, Politico reported.

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“There are concerns that are being voiced to the administrations about qualifications,” said South Dakota Sen. John Thune, the Republican whip. “They’re probably going to hear from a number of our members about concerns that they have. Whether or not that gets them to make a course change or not, I don’t know.”

Even newly elected Utah Sen. Mitt Romney pushed back.

“I don’t think Herman Cain will be on the Federal Reserve Board, no,” Romney said before continuing. “I feel that we can’t turn the Federal Reserve into a more partisan entity. I think that would be the wrong course.”

Well, it’s too late for that. Trump has made everything more partisan and destructive than ever. In addition, according to, the always loyal Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, “Well, we are going to look at whoever the President sends up. It’s his choice to decide and once he makes a nomination, we’ll take a look at it.”

That probably means Cain will be confirmed.

Republicans have a small 53-47 majority, but they’ve acted cowardly when it comes to denying Trump what he wants.

The nomination of Cain appeared to have come out of nowhere. He has basically been non-existent since he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. After being accused of sexual harassment, he dropped out.

One of the last times we heard from him was in 2014 when he launched the Herman Cain Channel, which was a streaming service for $9.99 per subscription. It was an obvious play on his widely ridiculed 9-9-9 tax plan during his disastrous campaign. The plan was called “9-9- 9” because it would have replaced the federal tax code with a three-part system, consisting of a 9 percent flat tax on individuals, a 9 percent flat tax on businesses, and a 9 percent national retail sales tax.

Yep, this is the man who will more than likely be on the Federal Reserve Board.


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