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Jason Van Dyke is currently in prison for murdering unarmed Black teenager Laquan McDonald. The former police officer is serving the light sentence of 81 months in prison, however, his wife and lawyer are whining to anyone who will listen about him serving time.

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Tiffany Van Dyke put herself in front of cameras Thursday and complained that she hasn’t spoken to her husband since he was sentenced on Jan. 18. Jason Van Dyke was reportedly transferred from a prison in Illinois to a Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury, Connecticut, where she claimed he was “beaten up.” However, the federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed in an email to the Chicago Tribune that the incident was instead “an assault resulting in minor injuries” on Feb. 7. Furthermore, inmates in federal custody being transferred all over the country is what happens to many prisoners, regardless of being a cop who killed a teenager.

“They put my husband in a setting to be harmed because of the fact that he was a white man who harmed a black gentleman in the line of duty,” Tiffany Van Dyke cried at a news conference. “He is a police officer who was convicted for doing his job, and at the basic minimum they were supposed to keep him safe.” She also said, “I want my husband home, I want him to be safe. I don’t need people to go into his cell and attack him. The next time this could happen they could kill him. I cannot bury my husband.”

Well, Laquan McDonald’s family shouldn’t have had to bury him after the 17-year-old was shot 16 times within 14 seconds.

Tammy Wendt, a lawyer who defended Van Dyke at trial, babbled, he was “led like a lamb to the slaughter” in the prison. Daniel Herbert, the lead attorney on the case said, “The mentality out there … that people won’t rest until he is either given a life sentence or killed in prison.” See the news conference below:

Originally, it was believed Jason Van Dyke would receive a minimum of 96 years. However, his 12-year-old daughter wrote a letter to the judge saying, “I have been bullied at school about what has happened. Kids come up to me and say that my dad is a murderer. That hurts so much when people say that to me. My dad is not that.” His wife reportedly pleaded in court by saying, “He has paid the ultimate price. He will no longer be a police officer. His life is over.”

ABC reported: “Judge Vincent Gaughan said he considered the most serious charge to be the second-degree murder charge, not the 16 aggravated battery charges and made his sentencing decision on that murder charge.”

The horrific video of the killing of McDonald appeared to show Jason Van Dyke fired at him 16 times within 14 seconds. The video was released one year after McDonald’s death and showed the teen walking away instead of confronting officers, which is what Van Dyke falsely said happened. McDonald continued to be shot at even after he fell to the ground from the initial bullets.

Two police officers and one detective were acquitted of trying to cover up the shooting for Jason Van Dyke, even though that was precisely what they did. The three men all said Van Dyke, who was convicted in October, was justified in shooting the teenager 16 times within 14 seconds. Van Dyke’s partner the night of the shooting, even said: “McDonald was walking toward Van Dyke and with his arms raised when he was shot.” The video would later contradict that account, showing Walsh lied. Still, he and his co-defendants were acquitted.

Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul is reportedly reexamining Van Dyke’s light sentence.


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