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A heated racial confrontation at a Florida McDonald’s restaurants on Thursday between a customer and employees, which was recorded on cellphone video, ended with at least one of the employees fired.

SEE ALSO: White Thug Attacks Black Employee Working At McDonald’s And Her Manager Does Nothing

The franchise’s owner called the employee’s behavior “improper and unacceptable” in a statement to The owner didn’t specify which of the two employees who argued with the customer was fired. But it’s suspected that the one who repeatedly used the N-word received the pink slip.

This comes on the heels of another recent viral video at a different Florida McDonald’s where a male customer was caught on video assaulting a Black female employee while her manager did nothing.

The incident on Thursday reportedly happened at a restaurant in Spring Hill. It’s unclear exactly what happened before the video starts. The recording begins with the customer apparently standing at the drive-through window accusing an employee of using a racial slur against him.

“I don’t give a f**k, ni**er,” the male employee yells, as he stands behind a co-worker who’s apparently on the phone with the police describing the Black male on the other side of the closed drive-through window. Meanwhile, a second woman who the customer says is a manager stands nearby.

The encounter becomes more heated after the customer taunts the male employees about catching him on video using the N-word, yelling that he’s going to get fired.

“I will f**k you up, you f***ing ni**er,” the enraged male employee screams through the closed window.

“You’re getting fired too because you’re a manager,” the customer says. “You’re supposed to handle this differently.”

Twitter user @notjustamonth posted the video from her Facebook feed on Thursday. Her tweeted video received more than 1.29 million views by noon on Sunday.

On New Year Eve, at a McDonald’s in St. Petersburg, a disturbing video shows a white man attacking a Black female employee.

Daniel Willis Taylor, 40, reaches out and grabs the woman who quickly fought back. After the assault, it appears Taylor was still allowed to place his order. At the end of the video, the thug says, “I was just asking you a f***ing question, bitch.”

The franchise owner of the Spring Hill restaurant, identified as Javier Illas, said the confrontation with the customer prompted his management team to call the cops, as well as conduct an internal investigation. “This behavior goes against the values and standards that I expect from employees in my restaurants,” he stated.


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