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Medical marijuana is a no-brainier for most Americans. Over 89 percent of U.S. voters believe medical marijuana should be legal. However, Darryl Strawberry, 56, who is as famous for being a drug abuser as he is for baseball, says medical marijuana should be illegal. Ex-NBA player and marijuana advocate Stephen Jackson slammed Strawberry’s comments, but now he is apologizing.

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Jackson said in an Instagram video, “You a whole cokehead out here, bruh. Asking you for advice about weed is like asking somebody who went broke on how to stay rich. You a whole cokehead out here, bruh!”

Watch below and try not to laugh.

Jackson is now apologizing. He wrote on Instagram, “I took that last post down to Darryl Strawberry because…he trying to get his life right. So I don’t want to disrespect him or his family or his kids. So I apologize for that.” However, he stands by his comments about marijuana, saying in a follow-up video, “If you think weed is a gateway drug, then you weak-minded. It’s a gateway for weak-minded people. That’s just what it is. So if you weak-minded, don’t smoke weed because it’s going to make you try coke and crack.”

While there are varying opinions on legalizing weed (which is usually a conservative talking point, considering it is well-documented how Black communities have been destroyed by marijuana criminalization), marijuana has been proven to help with chronic conditions. What Strawberry may not know is that medical marijuana is controlled and people aren’t getting high like they are smoking a blunt.

Harvard Health reports, “The extract from the hemp plant known as CBD (which stands for cannabidiol) because this component of marijuana has little, if any, intoxicating properties. Marijuana itself has more than 100 active components. THC (which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol) is the chemical that causes the “high” that goes along with marijuana consumption. CBD-dominant strains have little or no THC, so patients report very little if any alteration in consciousness.”

Sounds like Strawberry needs to stay in his lane.


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