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During the 2016 presidential election, poor whites decided to vote against their own interests by voting for Donald Trump. According to The Atlantic, white working class voters without a college education or salaried jobs were a key part of Trump’s win. Even with his horrific tax cut break for corporations or General Motors laying off 15,000 people, poor whites are still worshiping at the land of Trump. However, will that change now that there are severe changes to the food stamp program, of which whites are the major recipients?

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According to NBC News, through executive action, Trump will make stricter work requirements for people who receive food stamps, “Under federal law, able-bodied adults without dependents are restricted to three months of benefits within a 36-month period unless they work at least 80 hours per month or participate in certain educational or job-training activities. But current USDA regulations allow for states to waive an existing work requirement if the area’s unemployment rate is 20 percent higher than the national rate. The new rule allows for states to only waive that requirement in areas where the unemployment rate is above 7 percent — nearly double the current national unemployment rate.”

This would reportedly affect 755,000 people.

If there aren’t jobs in your area and we have an administration that does nothing to create jobs, especially in the poorest states in the union (incidentally, all Republican-controlled states), then throwing people off of food stamps would be atrocious. Furthermore, just because you land a job does not mean it will be a living wage.

Maybe this is the wakeup call poor whites need. That said, unfortunately, people of all backgrounds will suffer. How sad that everyone has to pay for a group of people voting against America’s interest.


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