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Trump is continuing his legacy of being as unpresidential as possible with his recent comments about the terrorist group ISIS. As usual, this is an extreme contrast to former President Barack Obama who just visited sick children for the holidays.

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Yesterday, Trump babbled on Twitter that the U.S. has “defeated” the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Syria, “We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.” Quickly, even people in his own party slammed Trump for the tweet.

Lindsay Graham said during a speech on the Senate floor yesterday, “To those who say we have defeated ISIS in Syria, that is an inaccurate statement. They have been hurt, they have been degraded and I give the president all the credit in the world for changing our policies regarding the fight against ISIS, but I will not buy into the narrative that they have been defeated.” He continued, “To say they’re defeated is an overstatement and is fake news. It is not true. They have been severely damaged but they will come back unless we’re there to stop them.”

Trump reportedly wants to pull out of Syria even though ISIS is far from defeated. The Guardian reports, “Trump’s claim is at odds with his own administration’s assessments. In August this year, the Pentagon assessed there were still as many as 14,500 Isis fighters still in Syria.”

While Trump continues to be a disaster at foreign policy, Obama is continuing to be presidential by visiting sick children at the Children’s National Hospital with gifts and hugs. In a video that was shared on social media, he said, “As the dad of two girls, I can only imagine in that situation to have nurses and staff and doctors and people who are caring for them, and looking after them… that’s the most important thing there is.”

Watch the two videos below:

We miss you, Obama!


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