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First Lady Melania Trump has so far been warmly welcomed on her tour of Africa, but a few demonstrators in Malawi took the opportunity to send her a message.

See Also: Melania Trump Lands In Africa, Gets As Far Away From The President As Possible

Trump visited a primary school in Lilongwe, Malawi on Thursday that has received assistance from the United States, the Washington Post reported.

It was the first lady’s second stop on a four-nation tour of the African continent. She observed several outdoor classrooms at Chipala Primary School and saw first-hand the challenges faced by educators. Just 77 teachers educate more than 8,500 students who attend the school. Many of the students must sit outside in crowds around their teacher.

Trump’s motorcade traveled along a roadside where a handful of white protesters greeted the first lady with handmade signs, including a couple that said “Me Too” and “#notashithole!”

Back in Washington, President Donald Trump was busily drumming up support for his U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, who stands accused of sexually assaulting women when he was in high school and college. The president, who has also been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women, has turned a deaf ear to the #MeToo movement.

At the same time, the president’s racist comment that African nations are “shithole” countries continues to anger many in Africa and African-Americans. However, some African leaders, including Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari, have downplayed the president’s racist comment.

The first lady went about her business on Thursday, probably ignoring the signs. She appeared at an event with the U.S. ambassador who handed over another 1.4 million books to Malawi officials as part of a U.S.-funded national reading program.


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