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Morry Matson is the newest Permit Patty.

On Saturday, July 14, Matson, a CVS manager in Chicago, was caught on video calling the police on Camilla Hudson over a coupon. He was shaking and appeared terrified—all because she wanted to use a manufacturer’s coupon. Officers arrived and obviously knew Matson was out of his fragile, privileged mind, so they let Hudson go without incident.

SEE ALSO: CVS Employees Accused Of Hiding, Calling Cops On Black Customers

The video went viral, see below:

As for the shaking, Camilla Hudson wrote on Facebook, “Morry Matson was not shaking and not having tremors of any kind when he first started assisting me at the self-checkout register in the store. He also did not have any tremors when we moved over to a regular register for him to assist me with the sale. He had no tremors when he initially warned me of having called the police. The tremors began when he called the police for what he said was the second time—which is the 911 call I videotaped.” She also said, “Some have suggested that he’s acting — about that, I have no idea. But he was most definitely tremor-free for most of the time I was in the store and did not start shaking until that phone call. I hope that provides some clarification.”

Who knows why he was shaking, but it was obviously triggered by a Black woman with a coupon. However, the real coupon carriers he should be worried about are white women. According to, coupon users are predominately affluent white women with “24 percent of them reporting at least $75,000 in household income; 78 percent of the coupon divas were white; and 51 percent of them were women.” Only 26 percent of coupon users are Black Americans.

Clearly, his fear is in the wrong place, and he might need a job soon if CVS gives him the ax.

CVS spokesperson Mike DeAngelis said in a statement, “We sincerely apologize to Ms. Hudson for her experience in one of our stores. Our Region Director in Chicago contacted Ms. Hudson as soon as we were made aware of this incident. CVS has begun an investigation and we will take any corrective action that is warranted to prevent it from happening again.”


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