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The Cleveland Police Department returned a known racist detective to policing the city’s Black community months after he admitted to texting racial slurs.

See Also: Cleveland Fires Cop Who Shot Tamir Rice

New details about exactly what Detective John Kraynik wrote were revealed three months after initially requested the information from officials who conducted an internal investigation, the news outlet reported on July 13.

“All that ‘n—-r flash’, once again, losing out to good old-fashioned hard-nosed football,” Kraynik texted, referring to Black players on the Ohio State University football team.

Kraynik’s racist texting continued the next day when he used another racial slur two more times in a message sent to a fellow officer about hoping the football team’s near loss was a “wake up” about their n-word style of playing. In another instance, he texted that “F—–g n—–s can’t play qb,” apparently disparaging Ohio State’s Black quarterback.

Kraynik, who was reportedly ordered to attend sensitivity training, works in a predominantly Black precinct. Cleveland’s police force is mostly white and has a long history of racist interactions in the city’s Black neighborhoods.

Anger with police violence against Blacks in the city reached a boiling point in 2014 when a white officer shot and killed 12-year-old Tamir Rice. The officer shot the boy, who had a toy gun, seconds after exiting his police patrol vehicle. Scores of people protested the incident.

Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, who is Black, is focused on fixing his department’s poor relationship with Black residents. His strategy has been to build trust by increasing positive informal interactions between Black residents and his officers, Williams told CBS News’ 60 Minutes in a 2015 interview that took place when anger was still hot over the killing of Rice. It’s hard to see how keeping Kraynik in the department will help achieve that goal.


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