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Civil rights activists urged people who normally sit on the sidelines to get involved in the movement to stop President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, from winning U.S. Senate confirmation.

See Also: What Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Means For The Future Of Black America

There was optimism for victory in the uphill battle because Republicans only have a slim Senate majority.

“We will use every tool in our arsenal to ensure that Judge Kavanaugh is fully and properly vetted by the Senate,” Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, tweeted, offering several tips to make that happen.

1. Contact Your Senators

Whether it was written or by phone, people can get involved by sending a clear message to the two senators who represent their state that Kavanaugh should not be a rubber stamp nominee. Contact the U.S. Capitol Switchboard, at (202) 224-3121, to facilitate phone calls.

2. Contact Republican Sens. Collins and Murkowski

Several moderate senators are the key to stopping the Kavanaugh nomination, according to USA Today. Sen. Susan Collins, a Maine Republican, is an abortion rights supporter who has been among the most outspoken lawmakers in her party against rubber stamping the president’s pick. Alaska’s GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski also supports protection of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.

3. Visit Senators’ District Offices

Visit senators’ district offices with several other people, recommended. Prepare several questions before the visit, and politely but firmly ask to meet directly with the lawmaker.

4. Write an Op-Ed

Writing an opinion piece that appears in local publications can influence others in the community to get involved. Putting together a short piece, limited to about 750 words, and topping it with the strongest single argument are tips that Duke University offered in how to write an effective article.

5. Don’t Sit This One Out

There’s strength in numbers. Activist groups across the nation are planning rallies and other events. The National Action Network, which protested the nomination Monday night outside Trump Towers in New York City, is just one of many national organizations mobilized to stop Kavanaguh.

National Action Network Protests Against President Trump's Supreme Court Nominee

Source: NurPhoto / Getty


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