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As we all know, Beyoncé killed Coachella and she was the first woman of color to headline the festival. Her over two-hour concert trended all over social media, proving why she is one of the greatest entertainers in the world.

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Bey’s mom Tina Knowles-Lawson made a candid post on social media, revealing she was worried the performance might be “too Black” for the predominately white audience at Coachella. She wrote, “I told Beyonce that i was afraid that the predominately white audience at Coachella would be confused by all of the black culture and Black college culture because it was something that they might not get. Her brave response to me made me feel a-bit selfish and ashamed. She said i have worked very hard to get to the point where i have a true voice and At this point in my life and my career i have a responsibility to do whats best for the world and not what is most popular.” Tina admitted she was wrong and added, “I stand corrected.” See the post below:

Tina’s concern isn’t too far-fetched, when Bey performed “Formation” at the Superbowl in 2016, she received backlash for the performance being “too Black.” SNL hilariously mocked the backlash with the skit below.

Beyonce  is unapologetically who she is. Her talent speaks for itself and it is refreshing to hear she goes where her art takes her, not being concerned about the audience. Long live Queen Bey!


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