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Stormy Daniels’ has broken the internet. Her 60 Minutes interview with Anderson Cooper was trending — with the hashtag #StormyDanielsDay — hours before it aired. Well, the interview lived up to the hype.

In case you missed it, Daniels, who is a porn star, has been in the headlines for months. She was reportedly paid $130,000 — a week before the 2016 election — to stay silent about an affair with the President. Miss Stormy is now suing Trump to tell every grimy detail of their hook ups, which dates back to 2006 (Trump married Melania in 2005). In a lawsuit filed with the California state court, Stormy claims President Donald Trump never signed the non-disclousre agreement (he hilariously went under the name ), therefore, the agreement is invalid. Now, she is spilling all the tea to Cooper, knowing she might get sued. Watch a couple clips below:

Of course, we are loving this and so is Black Twitter. Trump deserves every drag he gets. Check out some of the most hilarious reactions below.

Good job, Stormy. Wouldn’t it be amazing if a porn star took down Trump? Make America great again!


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