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Fox News: ‘Darker, Gayer, Different’ Olympics Slogan Is Hate

Apparently another Fox News pundit needs to have the Internet go in on him about racism. Fox News Executive Editor John Moody published an op-ed Thursday that was nothing more than a smear piece of racial and LGBTQ hate about the increase of Black, Asian and gay athletes competing in the 2018 Winter Olympics. He actually proposed that the U.S. Olympics slogan should change from “Faster, Higher, Stronger” to “Darker, Gayer, Different.” Yup, you heard that correctly.

But there’s even more disturbing commentary: Moody then claimed Black, Asian and gay athletes only got to the Olympics because, well, they’re Black, Asian and gay. His op-ed, further trying to discredit athletes on grounds of color and sexual orientation, promotes prejudice and homophobia. Did Moody actually research that these athletes have to win competitions to make the Olympics team?

Let’s take a look at the numbers, Moody. The 2018 U.S. Winter Olympics Team is made up of 243 athletes, 10 of whom are African American and 10 that are Asian American, The Hill reported. This means that a vast majority of the remaining athletes are White. However, the 2018 team has Maame Biney, the first African-American long-track speedskater to represent the U.S., and its first African-American hockey player, Jordan Greenway. The team also includes figure skater Adam Rippon, the first openly gay American to qualify for the Winter Olympics.

Incredible strides are being made as far as breaking barriers, but instead, Moody can only cry foul that the whitewashing straightjacket on the Olympics is (slowly) coming off.

Lawd, GOP Wants To Build A Wall Between Them And Dems.

Speaking of walls, let’s pivot to the Republicans’ silly fight to reportedly erect a wall between themselves and the Democrats.

House Intelligence Committee Republicans plan to construct a wall — a physical partition — to separate themselves from Democratic staff members in the committee’s secure spaces, multiple committee sources told CBS News. The move is expected to happen this spring. An ongoing ethics investigation into the “entire Republican staff” by the Office of Congressional Ethics, as well as a dismantling of bipartisanship, are cited as reasons for the wall proposal.

The real heart of this discussion, however, is not the infighting, but the eerie symbolism of the planned wall. This Republican idea mirrors Trump’s damaging vision for the U.S. Mexico border wall. It’s the kind of idea that makes folks think something is seriously  wrong with our government. Let’s be real: wall building is not going to solve anything.  SMDH.

Betsy DeVos Says Criticisms Are Hurtful — Girl, Bye

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has a problem with criticisms about her actions she told reporters Wednesday, Politico reported. And many on Twitter want to say some variation of these two words to DeVos’ statement : ‘Girl, Bye.”

Folks can’t forget that DeVos has been one of the most controversial members of Trump’s cabinet, unofficially referred to as Public School Enemy #1. She has pushed controversial rhetoric and policies that have hurt students across the nation. For example, her rollback of Obama-era protections for sexual assault victims on college campuses was condemned. Also, her comments about historically Black colleges and universities being “pioneers of school choice” were also decried for forgetting that racism led to the creation of HBCUs.

DeVos’ record has been so bad that the American Federation of Teachers, the AFL-CIO, the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, the Badass Teachers Association, Color of Change, Daily Kos, the Journey for Justice Alliance, and the National Education Association sent more than 80,000 mock reports cards grading her performance Thursday to mark the first anniversary of her confirmation, The Washington Times reported.

Students are being hurt by DeVos’ actions—meaning that criticisms are reasonable, many said on Twitter.


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