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A Montana newspaper warned David Clarke that folks in the state could respond with gun violence if they felt attacked by the former Milwaukee County sheriff. The warning came ahead of the Trump supporter’s anticipated keynote address for an annual Republican fundraiser in Billings next month.

SEE ALSO: To The Left! Former Sheriff David Clarke Just Got Canceled By Twitter

Pointing to Clarke’s advocacy of violence against the media, the Montana Standard issued this notice: “We don’t know how things go in America’s Dairyland, but here in Montana, if you punch anyone in the face — lying liberal media or otherwise — you could be looking back at the business end of a gun barrel.”

The GOP event’s theme is “Let’s have a ball and build a wall!” Clarke, who’s described in the promotional material as “a general in President Trump’s external army,” will support candidates at the March 9 event who are committed to the president’s “America First” agenda.

Montana Republicans are making a mistake in choosing Clarke because of the glaring hypocrisy between his image as a lawman and his actions, the Standard argued. Twitter has suspended the former sheriff’s account several times for advocating violence. In one instance he recommended punching the liberal media in the nose and “make them taste their own blood.”

“Upholding the law and keeping the peace doesn’t just mean protecting those with whom you agree,” the editorial said. “Inciting violence — anywhere — is not something any individual should advocate, let alone a major political party. It doesn’t seem like a message that leaders in the community should rally around.”

Montana’s GOP Rep. Greg Gianforte is expected to join Clarke at the fundraiser. As a candidate for office in May 2017, he slammed a Guardian newspaper reporter to the ground and punched him in the face over a question about health care at a campaign event. Birds of feather indeed flock together.


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