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The Trump blues are real. Stress over the president has driven countless folks to join resistance groups, but some choose therapy, anger management classes and journaling on Twitter on a regular basis.

This week, many were tweeting up a storm over Trump’s State Of the Union, including Joy Reid.

MSNBC’s AM Joy host expertly rebuked Trump over Tuesday’s SOTU address in several messages, and while doing so she got the attention of Donald Trump Jr. Here’s how it went down:

Now, Reid has a lot of skill in critiquing others, so Jr. really didn’t stand a chance. He tweeted a message, then failed—and was embarrassed.

Reid released a series of woke tweets that picked apart Trump’s rhetoric and policies. Here are two:

Trump Jr. has yet to respond, but clearly, Reid drove her points home. The host’s messages raise an important question: How can Black folks, especially women and mothers, better deal with Trump stress? Well, self-care is crucial.

When practicing self-care, people have to address their mental health. They have to make a commitment to wellness, a promise that is not easy to keep considering busy schedules, life-changing events…and the Trump blues. But the commitment is worth it, say many African-American women who have faced the “Black women have to always be strong” trope.

The reality is that folks can’t always be strong. In hard times, folks turn and care for one another, but must also care for themselves. Websites such as Noire Care teach women how to find constructive “me” time and practice self-love.

“When Audre Lord proclaimed self care as an act of political warfare, it helped me to focus on the fact that all Black women need to practice a form of self care,” Tina Shoulders, Noire Care creator, graphic designer and tech consultant, said to The Huffington Post. “That goes from the sis that works at the strip club, sis in the projects, mama with ‘all the kids with different daddies,’ to the teachers, lawyers, authors, CEOs and execs. We need to define self care as a community that leaves no woman behind regardless of economics or social norms. We need to share resources, affirmations, free yoga workshops, free apps, hair tips, books and conversation around giving ourselves permission to take time for ourselves.”

Hopefully, Black women, including Reid, and others in the community are using resources such as Noire Care and finding good ways to release the stress inflicted by this Trump administration.


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