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All Don Lemon was missing during his commentary Thursday in response to Donald Trump‘s raw racism was was a daishiki. He was already sporting a low cut ‘fro, and the perfect attitude required to combat unadulterated racism–outrage.

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Lemon, whose Black Card has been revoked several times for bad behavior, won it back in spades (pun intended) after he vociferously condemned Trump, who referred to Africa, El Salvador and Haiti as “shithole countries.”

During a meeting Thursday with lawmakers at the White House about immigration, Trump asked why the U.S. is accepting so many immigrants from the regions, according to tipsters who attended the confab, adding, “We should have more people from Norway.”

As soon as the cameras started to roll on CNN Tonight, Lemon excoriated Trump and his supporters.

“The president of the United States is racist. A lot of us already knew that.”

“You know what you can go do?” Lemon asked before a pregnant pause.

“I can’t say that,” he continued. “But you can go read a book, a history book. Because you might learn that some of the people from those shithole countries were slaves who were brought here by force to help build this country, and then start your learning process from there.”

He also addressed Trump’s supporters: “What does it say about you that no matter what ― no matter what ― you continue to make excuses for this man, for his vile behavior?” he asked.

Lemon won instant praise from some Black Twitter users, who have taken him to task in the past for supporting White folks behaving badly, i.e. racist, including defending the n-word sing Oklahoma frat momattending a secret meeting with ex-Ferguson, Missouri cop Darren Wilson who killed Michael Brown, and condemning the Black Lives Matter movement.

But some welcomed the prodigal son home from the sunken place. Here are some tweets:


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