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Boy, Bye!

Yesterday, it was announced that Trump’s former BFF Steve Bannonstepped down” from Breitbart. Now, SiriusXM has given him the boot, releasing this statement, “Breitbart News has decided to end its relationship with Stephen K. Bannon, therefore he will no longer host on SiriusXM since our programming agreement is with Breitbart News.” Well, Twitter is loving it. See the hilarious reactions below:

Let’s just hope someone can eventually fire from Trump.

Flu Season Is Here

Brace yourself, according to, medical experts expecting one of the worst flu seasons in history. The site reports, “this year’s main flu strain, the influenza A virus, known as H3N2, is worse than the swine flu in 2009. ” Unfortunately, for all of those who got the flu vaccine, it’s not be very effective because the virus has mutated. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and other organizations are calling for a universal vaccine to combat this powerful strain. If you think you have the flu or having flu-like symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Good News

We are all waiting for the release of Black Panther on February 18 and some good Samaritans want to be sure young people are able to see the film. According to ABC, in an effort to give back to his community, New York native Frederick Joseph started a GoFundMe page for hundred kids from the Boys & Girls Club of Harlem to see the film for free. The page went viral and Joseph has already met his original goal of $10,000 — he’s now at $28,000 and growing. Chelsea Clinton, J.J. Abrams and Jamele Hill. If you want to donate, go here. Side-note: This is why Disney needs to not create offensive advertising, considering the epic support behind this film.



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