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President Donald Trump’s crippling payments cut to President Barack Obama’s health care law may not take effect.

Reuters reports that a federal judge will hear arguments on Monday about whether to prevent Trump’s latest attempt to dismantle Obamacare.

According to the news outlet, Democratic attorneys general from 18 states plus the District of Columbia sued the federal government over Trump’s plan to halt payments that subsidize health care policies for people who cannot afford to pay for health insurance.

The plaintiffs will tell U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria that Trump’s move would destabilize health insurance markets and increase the uninsured rate.

Democrats say that Trump has been sabotaging Obamacare since he came into office, as Republican lawmakers fail repeatedly to replace the health care law with something better.

Meanwhile, the number of adults without health insurance increased 1.4 percent this year, wiping out gains under President Obama, CNBC reported.

In the last months of Obama’s presidency, the uninsured rate plummeted to a record low of 10.9 percent. It’s now at 12.3 percent under Trump.

The survey found that people who purchase their own health insurance policies, including those found on Obamacare exchanges, represent the largest segment of consumers who are now uninsured.

Chhabria is expected to announce his ruling shortly after hearing arguments, Reuters reported. However, the appeals process will likely drag out a final court decision on Trump’s cuts.

SOURCE:  Reuters, CNBC


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