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Racist graffiti spray-painted on an interracial couple’s home became an eyesoar to neighbors in a Stamford, Connecticut community. Someone apparently tried to do something about it.

The New York Times reports that the couple discovered on Wednesday morning that someone painted over the racial slur.

Over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend, the N-Word was spray-painted on their garage door. The couple said they have been the target of racists in the past and refused to whitewash the graffiti until the police made an arrest.

However, investigators came to a dead end without any suspects. Neighbors sympathized with the couple but wanted the graffiti removed. The police offered to paint over the slur at no cost to the residents, Heather Lindsa, who is White, and Lexene Charles, who is Black. But the couple declined the offer—to make a point.

With things at a standstill, the city issued a citation for blight about two weeks ago and warned the couple that they faced a $100 fine, for each day that the graffiti remained on the house.

The Times said a meeting between city officials and the couple was planned to resolve the case. The city said it would not fine the couple.

SOURCE: New York Times


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