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Kellyanne Conway, yet another one of Trump’s embattled advisers making noise this week (Flynn is out; Omarosa reportedly threatened a reporter; etc.), tweeted a love note to a young person who has love for White nationalism on Valentine’s Day. Awwwww.

After Conway appeared on NBC’s Today show on Valentine’s Day to talk about National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s abrupt and potentially devastating resignation over contact with Russian diplomats and lying about it, Conway took to Twitter to lick her wounds, saying she serves at the “pleasure of the POTUS.”

In response, a Twitter user going by the handle Lib Hypocrisy praised Conway—her “strength and resiliency in face of vile hatred, bigotry, & sexism of the unhinged Left. Love you!”

Lib Hyprocrisy, whose profile includes the words #WhiteIdentity, #Nationalist and the icon of Pepe the Frog—an emoji associated with the alt-right movement—was retweeted by Conway, who said “Love you back,” while also wishing a Happy Valentine’s Day to her “Hapless Haters.” (Since deleted.)

Lib Hypocrisy by the way, is just as White as she wanna be, even comparing her “White identity” to Black Lives Matter.

After being asked about her new friend, Conway told BuzzFeed News she had no clue who may have retweeted from her account.

I denounce whoever it is,” she said. And then, “everybody makes mistakes.”

Indeed. And Conway has been making a lot of public ones. In the last few weeks, she has been slammed for using the words “alternative facts” to describe the discrepancies about Trump’s inauguration numbers; cited a fake terror attack called the “Bowling Green massacre;” and had to apologize about promoting Ivanka Trump’s Nordstrom line, prompting a condemnation from the U.S. Ethics Office and possible disciplinary action.

It’s like amateur night at the Apollo with these folks.

SOURCE Buzzfeed News


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