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As President-Elect Donald Trump prepares for his inauguration, more questions are being asked about potential conflicts of interest and ethics violations.

During Wednesday’s contentious press conference, Trump and his lawyer detailed the steps he would take to separate himself from his businesses while he is President of the United States. For many ethics experts, Trump handing control of his business empire over to his sons is not enough.

One ethics expert considers his proposal a “halfway blind trust.”

Walter Shaub, head of the Office of Government Ethics, slammed President-Elect Trump for his inadequate plan to divest himself of his business holdings. During a speech at the Brookings Institution, he said:

“It’s important to understand that the President is now entering the world of public service. He’s going to be asking his own appointees to make sacrifices. He’s going to be asking our men and women in uniform to risk their lives in conflicts around the world. So, no, I don’t think divestiture is too high a price to pay to be the President of the United States of America.”

During Friday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin said Trump “is playing a dangerous game by his unwillingness to divest,” adding, “Many ethics experts say on day one he could be in violation of the Constitution.”

Rashad Robinson, Executive Director of the Color of Change, said Trump is counting on the soon-to-be Republican majority in Congress to “not do anything.”

According to Robinson, “Republicans will go along with Donald Trump selling out our freedoms, selling out our economy, so he can put his name on everything … and he can make money for his friends and family.”

Watch Roland Martin, Rashad Robinson, and the NewsOne Now panel discuss the potential ethics violations Donald Trump could entangle himself in if he does not fully divest in the video clip above.

Watch NewsOne Now with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.


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