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An Atlanta-area police officer received a surprise on Wednesday with his doughnut order.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Black Lives Matter”  was reportedly written on the Krispy Kreme box the Smyrna officer received.

Blue Lives Matter’s pro-police blog published an image of the box, and used the incident as an opportunity to blast the Black Lives Matter movement, the news outlet said.

“For those who are not aware, this is extremely disrespectful to law enforcement,” the blog said, according to the AJC.

Krispy Kreme told the newspaper that it was unaware of the incident. The North Carolina-based company emailed this statement:

“We are continuing to investigate the matter and will take whatever steps necessary to ensure the values of our company are upheld.”

The Smyrna Police Department is also investigating the alleged incident. “Once we have vetted this issue, I will release a written statement that I will send out,” a police spokesman told the AJC.

SOURCE: Atlanta Journal-Constitution


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