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NYPD detective Gregory Gordon is currently under investigation for his inflammatory Facebook posts, but The New York Daily News uncovered that Gregory may have also shot an unarmed man in the back in 2013.

Gordon, 33, was brought to national attention for calling New York City’s First Lady Chirlane McCray a “former crack-addict,” saying that Black people should get over slavery, and blasting commissioner Bill Bratton for declining Donald Trump’s request to address an NYPD precinct, over a series of posts on social media.

According to The Washington Times, Bratton called for Gordon to return numerous medals and awards he was given by the department before the comments were uncovered.

Gordon’s comments, initially reported last month shortly after the shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, underscored the simmering tension between Black communities and law enforcement.

But a February 2013 incident points a laser focus on Gordon and his record. The Daily News reports that he and a partner were involved in the shooting of a former 33-year-old convict named Michael Walker in Staten Island. They were responding to an anonymous tip about an armed robbery.

When police confronted Walker at the scene, they said he was armed and pointed a gun in their direction. Their report says Gordon and his partner fired at Walker three times, with Gordon hitting him in the chest.

Walker was rushed to Richmond University Medical Center, where he was treated and discharged.

An NYPD-led investigation concluded the officers were justified and in 2014, Gordon was awarded the Police Officer of the Year award from the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce, largely due to his role in the shooting.

But as Gordon’s Facebook investigation continues, The Daily News learned that Walker’s hospital discharge record states he was shot in the upper back, not in the chest.

There are also huge discrepancies regarding the status of the alleged gun Walker possessed. The NYPD’s initial report claims they recovered a black Smith and Wesson 9-mm. handgun, and one bullet lying near Walker at the scene. They also released a photo of the gun to the public.

However, court records from a 2014 federal civil rights lawsuit state the gun was found about 20 feet away from where Walker collapsed in the street. Police say Walker staggered for about 10 feet in their deposition. According to The Daily News, that leaves an unaccounted 10 feet, suggesting Walker may have been unarmed at the time he was shot.

Walker seeks $25 million from the city, alleging the NYPD used excessive force. His attorney, Andrew Plasse, says the NYPD’s report has yet to prove any physical evidence that the gun belonged to Walker.

During Walker’s criminal case, State Supreme Court Justice Stephen Rooney concluded that Walker had no gun in his hands when the cops fired.

Rooney referred to a responding officer’s conflicting testimony, who corroborated that Walker was holding a gun at the time of the shooting, but initially told a lieutenant that he couldn’t completely identify whether or not he saw a gun in Walker’s hand.

Walker was charged with illegal weapons possession and menacing a police officer. Because of his priors, including assault and a felony drug possession, Walker’s attorneys convinced him to eventually plead guilty to attempted possession of a firearm during his criminal case.

He waived his right to appeal, and is now serving 12 years to life in prison at the Green Haven Correctional Facility in upstate New York.

SOURCE: New York Daily NewsThe Washington Times | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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