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It’s not necessarily peculiar to see a White woman walking down the sidewalks on the predominately Black side of Chicago.

But what sets Laurella Willis apart is the fact that she walks 20 miles a day in the summer heat with a foam board sign that says, “Black America, I’m sorry!!”

“I don’t want to continue to see Black American being oppressed, and held down and killed like animals,” Willis said.

Some residents stop and stare, while others offer words of encouragement and understanding.

“It’s very touching,” one woman said during an interview with CBS Chicago. “Especially someone who’s not colored.”

Willis said she felt compelled to take a stand. With the recent shooting deaths of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and five Dallas police officers, the past week has stirred up a polarizing “us” versus “them” mentality.

The mother of three from Blue Island, just 16 miles outside of Chicago, said she is unsure where we will go as a country from here, but her protest exemplifies the notion that in the fight for social justice and equality, it is deadly to be silent.

“I may be only a party of one, but I’m going to give you all the support I have,” she said.

SOURCE: CBS Chicago | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty, Twitter


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