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As Donald Trump continues his march towards the Republican National Convention as the presumptive presidential nominee, he’s calling for the GOP to unite behind him and prepare to take on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton in November.

As the party tries to rally behind the boisterous presidential candidate, many are now wondering what a Trump presidency would look like. The billionaire businessman’s controversial comments have offended just about every minority group in America and outraged many abroad. 

London’s newly elected Mayor Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, blasted Trump for suggesting America should ban all Muslims from entering the country. During a recent interview, Khan said that Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric “plays into the hands of the extremists.”

NewsOne Now guest host Dr. Wilmer Leon asked his panel of guests about the impact of Trump’s rhetoric on a global stage.

Panelist Amber J. Phillips responded to Dr. Leon’s question: “Donald Trump is a product of the rhetoric in our refusal to talk about racism in this country…I’m really worried about the moment we’re in with activists who are really protesting and speaking up for their rights and how it’s literally causing these explosions and collisions at his rallies, let alone what could potentially happen on Election Day.”

Republican Political Consultant Shermichael Singleton wonders how a Trump presidency would “affect our policy positions” with nations around the world and how it would impact trade. “Once we enter into the general election, Mr. Trump would pivot from some of his statements,” he said.

Farajii Muhammad believes Trump is pushing “American exceptionalism” with the ideology that America “is the greatest country on earth — that America does not need to be fixed, that it does not need to be improved and as a matter of fact, the rest of the world needs to shift its gears to be like America.”

“That’s dangerous, especially in this day and time,” he continued. 

Watch guest host Dr. Wilmer Leon and the NewsOne Now panel discuss what a Donald Trump presidency would look like from a global perspective in the video clip above.

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London’s New Mayor Dismisses Trump’s Muslim Ban Exception