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Autumn Johnson, the 1-year-old who was fatally shot and killed in Compton, was laid to rest on Saturday. Scores of mourners gathered at the Judson Baptist Church in Carson to say their final goodbyes to the toddler. On Feb. 9, as Autumn was lying in her crib, a hail of gunfire hit her home and one of the bullets struck her and took her life. The gunmen, who are still at large, specifically targeted her family’s home. Autumn’s mother, Blanche Wandick, delivered a heartrending speech during the service. “The first time I held her, she smiled at me,” said Wandick. “I miss my baby. It’s just so hard. I feel like my life is over. I wish it would have been me instead of her. She was my future, my firstborn.” She also said that even though her life was cut short, it had “so much purpose.” Local politicians attended the service as well. “Autumn’s life mattered,” said Rep. Janice Hahn. “For anything we didn’t do, we apologize. Darrell and Blanche, I just want you to know my heart is broken.” Read more.


‘That’s So Raven’ Actor Orlando Brown Arrested

Former That’s So Raven star Orlando Brown arrested in Los Angeles in January on charges of resisting arrest, drug possession, and possible battery. According to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office, Brown was taken into custody on Jan. 17 after allegedly getting into a physical altercation with his girlfriend. He allegedly bought methamphetamine into police headquarters, causing him to be slapped with a drug possession charge. Brown has taken to social media to claim that he is innocent. “I’ve been in jail for a whole month and every day in jail is two days,” Brown said in one of the posts. “Nobody cared about me. How do you think I feel?” He is slated to go back to court on March 28. Read more.

Philadelphia Police Department Offers Kanye a Job

Rapper Kanye West recently shared that despite all of his success, he’s hit some financial hurdles. When he released his The Life of Pablo album, he revealed that he was $53 million in debt. Since then, the Philadelphia Police Department has stepped up to offer West a job. “We’re hiring Police Officers, and we did the math. With a starting salary of $47,920, Officer West could be completely debt-free by the year 3122! And that’s only if he were never to receive a single raise! With a few promotions and cost of living increases, Yeezy could probably break even in a quick 500 years,” they posted on their Facebook page, with an accompanying photoshopped image of West in one of their uniforms. “Even if you’re not Kanye, please consider a career as a Philly Police Officer. You could earn a great living, receive a fantastic benefits package for you and your family, and make a true difference in your community.” West’s fans have launched a GoFundMe page in efforts to help get the rapper out of debt. Read more.

Gov. Kasich Signs Bill to Defund Planned Parenthood

The controversy surrounding Planned Parenthood still prevails. Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed a bill on Sunday that would take away funding from the organization. The legislation involves the $1.3 million provided for Planned Parenthood by the state’s health department. The federal money is used for HIV testing, domestic violence prevention, and cancer screenings. The bill prevents funds from going toward the promotion of abortions. Planned Parenthood reps are outraged. “Gov. Kasich should be ashamed for claiming he is invested in the fight against infant mortality while simultaneously defunding one of the best programs in the state for young mothers and their children,” said spokeswoman Amelia Hayes. The governor decided to privately sign the bill and release a statement through his office. Read more.