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Former Baltimore Ravens player Ray Rice has been tapped to help coach and advise players of the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl as a co-running back coach, ESPN reports.

Rice will train the team with former Kansas City Chiefs running back Priest Holmes. The Collegiate Bowl is designed for draft-eligible college players and is normally led by former NFL players. In addition to training and a formal introduction into the league, the Collegiate Bowl offers business advice and know-how from former players regarding their personal experiences.

Rice, 28, was dismissed from the Baltimore Ravens in September 2014 after a video showed him physically assaulting and punching his now-wife, Janay Rice, in an elevator.

Rice’s domestic violence charges were ultimately dropped. He and his wife began meeting with victims of domestic violence and shared their experience. Rice is hopeful he can return to the league as a player, and aspires to make a difference if given a second chance.

The New York native will coach the young players three times this week leading up to a game Saturday in Carson, California.



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