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Justice is being served in the Spring Valley High assault case. But not like you’d think.

Shakara, the girl who was thrown to the ground by a school resource officer, and Niya Kenny, the student who filmed it, are now in legal trouble. While Officer Ben Fields was promptly fired, the two girls face a misdemeanor charge of disturbing schools. If found guilty, they could face 90 days in jail or be fined up to $1,000.

But on Thursday, several organizations, including ColorOfChange and the Alliance for Educational Justice, submitted a petition calling for the charges against the two teens to be dropped.

These two young women have suffered enough without the justice system dragging out the process of eliminating these ridiculous charges,” said Rashad Robinson, ColorOfChange’s executive director, in a statement.

Dan Johnson, the judicial circuit solicitor in charge of the case, doesn’t want personal bias or feelings to play a role, and would rather follow the letter of the law.

SOURCE: Huffington Post, Twitter | VIDEO SOURCE: Inform


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The Girl Who Was Assaulted By A Cop At Spring Valley High Is Now Facing Jail Time  was originally published on